William Shatner to Have Played Archie Goodwin in Aborted 1959 'Nero Wolfe' Series

Click here to view the multi-page PDF file containing scans of the media coverage of the three attempts at a Nero Wolfe Series (1949--1959). Those intrepid sleuths, The Three 'Teers (Tina, Debby, Juelie), have discovered that beginning in 1949 and through the 1950s, various plans for a Wolfe TV Series had the press a-buzz. Summary Time Line:

  • 1959: CBS plans a Wolfe TV Series with William Shatner (Archie) and Kurt Kasznar (Wolfe). A pilot episode was produced.
  • 1957: CBS looking for a sponsor for a Wolfe show
  • 1950: NBC auditioning for a Nero Wolfe series
  • 1949: Fadiman productions plans to package a Nero Wolfe TV Series

Hi Brown and Edwin Fadiman of Fadiman Productions represented Rex Stout's radio, screen and television interests as Nero Wolfe Attractions, Inc. Edwin Fadiman was the brother of Rex Stout's good friend, Clifton "Kip" Fadiman, intellectual, author, editor, radio and television personality. Clifton Fadiman and his brothers, Edwin and William were involved with Rex Stout in a number of causes and organizations. Edwin is is mentioned specifically in the Rex Stout Archives regarding various media production efforts for the Wolfe series. Rex Stout was a guest on Clifton Fadiman's radio program "Information Please" at least four times; click here to listen to Rex Stout on this quiz show.

A letter from Rex Stout to Edwin Fadiman directing him to cease production plans for a TV series was located in the Rex Stout Archives at Boston College. Alas, a copy was not made. The next fan to stop by the BC Archives, please search for this letter!

A number of printed articles are assembled in a PDF file. They present a fascinating look at the very early days of TV and the "way it used to be." Click here to review this great material.