So many fans with the fanaticism and skills to create so many sites.
Social Networking/Chat/Discussion Sites
The Wolfe Pack -Fans of Nero Wolfe
- Other Sources: Lovers of Rex Stout Group
The Wolfe Pack/ Golden Spider
- Other Sources: Since there are over 500 channels for Nero Wolfe, we recommend you search in YOUTUBE, then narrow your selection, There are clips and full episodes of the A&E TV Series (2002-2002), both of the Italian Nero Wolfe Series (1969-1970 and 2012), the William Conrad Wolfe Series (1981) in English & dubbed-German, the Thayer David Wolfe pilot (1979), ETC.! Due to intellectual property regulations, videos of television and film material come & go.
The Wolfe Pack Literary Society
- Other Sources:
Nero Wolfe in Miniature
Pfui's Photo Stream (including screen captures of some scenes from the overseas version's Missing Minutes and wide screen scenes)
Click a link for listing by topic or scroll down the page:
Fan Sites
Wikiquote: Nero Wolfe (quotations by book)
Avenarius’ Book of Quotations featuring some of the great quotations from the books.
Nero Wolfe Story List (a list of lists):
- each book with a synopsis, location, victim, murderer(s), motive(s), weapon(s), client(s), fee,
- lists of major and minor characters with details
- timeline of stories
- And more Lists:
- NW Arrests
- NW Foods
- NW orchids
- NW Victims & Weapons
- NW Murderers
- NW Places & Things
- Thrilling Detective The Nero Wolfe page of a fabulous site is worth a look. All mystery fans will find this site a joy. While you're there, stop by and visit McGee
- And here is a terrific Travis McGee site (well, I'm not the only Wolfe fanatic who is also a Trav fanatic!)
- SpeedyMystery -- features Bob Schneider's critique of Stout's novella format, plot synopses of the 38/41 novellas, and a numerical ranking of each story. Also see the ratings from Bob Schneider
- Why Nero Wolfe Never Ages from TomCat or Last Century Detective blog
- Media history of Nero Wolfe on Caftan Woman's Classic Movie Blog
- Quotations -- one per Wolfe books interspersed on the blog, "Dotted with Dots"
- Dave Patty's Wolfe Blog, Nero and Archie of cover art, parodies, and other things Wolfean
- The Bunburyist blog, featuring mystery history and other literary ramblings of Elizabeth Foxwell
- CrimeStalkers Home of the Crime Stalkers Case Book series of short story collections from Rex Stout's Biographer, the late John McAleer, and a Black Orchid Banquet guest speaker, Andrew McAleer. See the Stout pages for an array of articles on Mr. Stout.
- Gazette of the Arts James Rock's Nero Wolfe Page of interesting links, chronological listing of Stout's works, as well as Wolfe-related books. Also see Rock Publishing
- An Advertisement for Nero Wolfe's Services Does advertising his services on the Internet sound like something Mr. Wolfe would do? Well, Archie can be very persuasive
- The Brownstone Floor Plan Architectural drawings of the entire brownstone. A real treat!
- More Quotes
- Lots of Wolfe Quizzes (and even one about Tecumseh Fox)
Check out these shopping alternatives:
- New York City's only remaining Independent Mystery Bookstore: (there were six in the not-too-distant past) Mysterious Bookshop
- Mainely Murders Bookstore in Kennebunk, ME says, "We Love Nero Wolfe"
- Independent Online Booksellers Association
- Independent Mystery Booksellers Association
- Indiebound—Independent Booksellers Locator
Mystery Sites with a Wolfean Connection
- Cozy-Mystery List gives a really full treatment of the Wolfe saga and LOTS of lists of Cozy (& Not So Cozy) Mystery Books and DVDs.
- The Mystery Place, home of the Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine & the Ellery Queen Mystery magazine. (AHMM, in collaboration with The Wolfe Pack, sponsors the annual Black Orchid Novella Award.)
- Mysteries in Print
- BooksnBytes Listing and review of Stout as well as the works of hundreds (thousands?) of authors in many genres.
- StopYourKillingMe StopYourKillingMe. A resource for mystery lovers, listing over 3,400 authors, with chronological lists of their books (over 38,000 titles), both series (3,800+) and non-series.
- Mystery Readers International is chuck full of information on authors, books, events, etc.
- (in-depth study guides at your fingertips, offering information by experienced teachers, professors, and literary scholars) has a very informative genre resoucre guide on crime and mystery.
Overseas Fan Sites
- The first Russian web site devoted to Nero Wolfe, Archie Goodwin and Rex Stout is at It even has a page with information about The Wolfe Pack. [Thank you Stanislav (aka Chuchundrovich), webmaster]
- Lutz-R ü diger Busse brings us The Gazette from Braunschweig Germany, with the emphasis on character development and the characters. It also has reviews.
- Another German site has a Wolfe parody: "Cäsar Bär" (Bär= Bear)
- NERO WOLFE & THE TOFF An unusual site with unusual cover art from Nero Wolfe books published in France prior to 1950.
- Avenarius' Stout Site is newly revised, redesigned, and expanded. Don't miss this Slovakian site -- in perfect English. Stop here for a priceless collection of some of Stout's other works of genius -- full text of non-Wolfe writings (from the "pulp fiction" days) and of the "Watson was a Woman" speech, and the audio (MP3 format) of the full audio of the "Information, Please" radio quiz show on which Rex Stout was a guest. And LOTS of great links. Of course, Montenegro is not so very far from Slovakia.
- Czech Bibliography of Stout (in Czech)
- Abelard's Nero Wolfe Pages Extensive quotes and analysis of the psychology of the corpus. Very unusual site, purportedly from Mongolia, but possibly from Ireland.
- ANOTHER Finnish Site devoted to Wolfe Bibliography, translations of the Finnish publications of the books and their book covers.
- An Italian Nero Wolfe site The Italian side of Nero Wolfe, including pictures from the TV series made for Italian television in 1969 featuring Italian actors (wolfe looks remarkably like (but NOT) Marcello Mastroianni), pictures of a NW comic strip, and other fascinating stuff. (Loads somewhat slowly, but worth the wait!.)
- Fantastic Fiction -- A UK site with Stout's section featuring a bibliographic listing, book cover art work, and short synopses.
- A Dutch site of Stout's Bibliography
- Official site of the Government of the Republic of Montenegro
- Montenegro Smiles (Maybe the Dept. of Tourism can develop a tour that traces Nero & Archie's route from The Black Mountain.)
- Montenegro Tourist Site
- The Montenegrin Association of America has information on a variety of topics (geography, history, religion, culture, politics, treasures, etc.
- Wikipedia links to various Montenegrin topics
- Serenata Flowers: Orchid Flower Guide (thank you, Maddie, for this information source!)
- Types of Orchids: A Visual Compendium from FTD
- Orchid Species -- beautiful and exhaustive
- The American Orchid Society -- Orchid Web Lots of Orchid Information, a searchable database of magazine articles, and other links, too.
- The Orchid House A truly exhaustive list of links relating to orchids, a pronunciation section (YES!), and lots of other good stuff. Slow to load, but worth the wait.
Wolfe Mentions in Orchid Articles
- Times Beacon Record (North Shore of Long Island) "Growing orchids: unique challenges," March 5, 2009
- Winston-Salem Journal "Clues to Nero Wolfe's Orchid Collection," February 17, 2012
- San Francisco Chronicle, "Don't fall for that orchids-are-so-needy line," March 4, 2009
- A Tour of Beer History -- plus LOTS of great beer gifts for your favorite beer aficionado(s)
- Good information about both U.S. and U.K. cask-ales and hand-crafted beer. This site is loaded with information and well worth the visit.
- RealBeer.Com The Beer Portal has over 150,000 pages about beer plus lots of beer and beer-related stuff for sale.
- The online site of Beer Advocate Organization is chuck full of beer information and links. Start with Beer 101/Beer Education.
- Let's Talk Wolfe and Beer on LibraryThing
- Where's the beer? on Book Scribbles
- History of Beer on Wikipedia
- Beer History in the US
- Brewers Association
- Craft Beer
- Beer100 History, cooking, jokes, etc.
Wolfean Tidbits -- Wolfe Recipes & Food
- A Cooking Blog: "Inspired By Wolfe"
- From "Another Year in Recipes" -- Diane Darrow's Recipe Blog:
- Lamb Shanks from The Nero Wolfe Cookbook and the joy of using and reading The Nero Wolfe Cookbook
- Creole Fritters with Cheese Sauce
- (veal cutlet)
- Search for Nero Wolfe for a number of recipes
- Mae's Food Blog
- Nero Wolfe's Trout Montana
Information About or Commentary on the Life or Works of Rex Stout
Wolfe Series Reviews by John Ostrander (noted Comic author):
- Nero Wolfe Revisited (November 22, 2015)
- Nasty Surprises (May 1, 2016)
- The Kansas State Historical Society pays tribute to the (almost) native son.
- A comprehensive biographical summary of Rex Stout and his various careers.
- Wikipedia's (The Free Encyclopedia) Rex Stout Article.
- Rex Stout's ten favorite mysteries (chosen between 1938 and 1947).
- Ex Libris provides a Rex Stout biographical sketch and reviews of many of the Wolfe books.
- Stout Bibliography. This mystery bibliography page features all of Stout's books including Theodolinda "Dol" Bonner, Tecumseh Fox and Alphabet Hicks.
- A Stout Fellow. On this British site, David Langford reprises the series through some Nero Wolfe reissues. The article first appeared in Million magazine 1992.
TV Series
- IMDB's site has a lot of information added by various fans.
Also see their FAQ page regarding the infamous MISSING MINUTES and CHOPPED PICTURE (where did the Letter Box film go?) - Chris Grady's Pictograph of the Wolfe Pack's trip to Toronto to the shooting of the A&E Nero Wolfe Series.
- Dick Lochte writes about an interview with Rex Stout, in which Mr. Stout talked about casting for his books and the two movies made in the 1930s.
- Nero Wolfe TV Series -- 2001-2002.'s archival data about the A&E Series.
- Episode Guide-2001 The 2001-2002 series starring Maury Chaykin as Nero Wolfe and Timothy Hutton as Archie Goodwin.
- Nero Wolfe TV Series-1981's archival data about the series starring William Conrad.
- Episode Guide -- Nero Wolfe TV Series 2001-2002. The 2001-2002 series starring Maury Chaykin as Nero Wolfe and Timothy Hutton as Archie Goodwin.
- Episode Guide -- Nero Wolfe TV Series 1981. The 1981 series starring William Conrad as Nero Wolfe and Lee Horsley as Archie Goodwin.
- The 1969-1970 Italian Nero Wolfe TV Series. The Italian side of Nero Wolfe, including pictures from the TV series made for Italian television in 1969 featuring Italian actors (Wolfe looks remarkably like (but NOT) Marcello Mastroianni). Loads somewhat slowly, but worth the wait!
- The 2011-2012 Italian Nero Wolfe Series