From the Vaults of Screenwriters Lee Goldberg and Sharon Elizabeth Doyle

Sharon Doyle

From screenwriter Lee Goldberg

WRITING NERO WOLFE (from Lee Goldberg's blog)

In Bad Taste (2001)—An early draft of the two hour movie that combined the Rex Stout novellas "Poison A La Carte" and "Murder Is Corny." They aired in the U.S. as two, one-hour episodes. Scenes that "connected" the two stories were not included in the U.S. airings.

Champagne For One (2000)—An early draft of the two hour movie version of the Rex Stout novel.

Prisoner's Base (2000)—An early draft of the two hour movie version of the Rex Stout novel. This script was nominated for an Edgar Award by the Mystery Writers of America.

From screenwriter and consulting producer, Sharon Elizabeth Doyle:
Production Drafts:

The Mother Hunt
The Silent Speaker
In Bad Taste ("Poison A La Carte" combined with "Murder is Corny" for overseas distribution, but only "Poison A La Carte" was ever distributed. Neither In Bad Taste or "Murder is Corny" were never distributed.) overseas.

Pre-production Drafts

Before I Die
The Next Witness
Too Many Clients