Three Ways to Purchase Nero Wolfe/Wolfe Pack Merchandise

The Wolfe Pack Store
Print Form

Use the printable form to purchase Wolfe Pack items directly from us.

Scroll down the page to view the available items.

Prices include shipping, handling, and insurance.

Don't forget your phone number or eĀ­mail address in case we have questions. And please be sure to include your street address. A PO Box will only work with USPS shipments.

Order questions? Just send an e-mail to webmaster at nero wolfe dot org.

The Wolfe Pack on Amazon

To help defray expenses for the web site, when you purchase books, DVDs, electronics, housewares, etc. (any item) through Amazon:
PLEASE use the Amazon links "Buy from Amazon" button on the right side of each page.

Items of Special Interest from Amazon:

Wolfe Pack Items on Cafe Press

Purchase merchandise customized by The Wolfe Pack through Cafe Press

(Use the button below to browse the selection of customized stuff.)

Cafe Press

Nero Wolfe Still Life

Executed by renowned portraitist, Kevin I. Gordon

Wolfe Still Life Kevin Gordon

Click the image to view an enlargement
16"x20" (11" x 14" image)

Limited edition, signed, numbered on high quality paper


Silk Orchid Earrings
$10.00 & up

Golden Spider Earrings Wolfe Pack

Handmade in Hawaii, these gorgeous creations are worthy of Lily Rowan. The Web Mistress has personally sampled them. Click here to view the entire colorful collection and to order directly from the creator's store.